Elimination Diet - Step 4.
Step 4 – Long term approach
Armed with the knowledge of what foods trigger your symptoms, you and your doctor can develop a long-term diet which will improve your condition significantly. Of the forbidden foods, after the challenging period, you know which ones are safe to add to your regular diet and what foods are likely to be contributing to your food sensitivities. Sometimes, it may be difficult to link your condition to a particular food, and some people may need to attempt eliminating several different foods before identifying the culprit for their symptoms.
The most important aspect when deciding a long-term diet is to ensure that you get a fully balanced nutrition. This may require substituting foods that you have some aversion to with others that are safe, to provide you with the same nutrients. For example, if you find that you feel better by eliminating dairy, you need to find other sources of calcium, such as dark green vegetables.
Another aspect to ensure a balanced diet is to rotate the foods you eat. It’s a well-known fact that consuming the same type of foods on a regular basis can result in the development of allergies and sensitivities. It’s therefore extremely important to eat a diverse diet, to avoid the appearance of any further allergies.
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