Seabuck Wonders – learn all about this wonder ingredient
Sea Buckthorn has been featured on the Dr. Oz show three times so it’s in the news. It’s considered a super fruit since it originates as a berry. As a matter of fact SeabuckWonders is the only line of products made from USDA certified organic sea buckthorn berries. They’ve been specializing in the super fruit for over 16 years.
The products I have are Sea Buckthorn Oil Blend Omega-7 Complete Softgels, Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil Softgels, Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil, and Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil.
Sea Buckthorn Oil Blend Omega-7 Complete – this is a gel capsule that is taken as a dietary supplement. By taking 2 capsules daily you’d be receiving high levels of Omega-7. It combines the Seed Oil and the Berry Oil so you are getting the best of both in each capsule. It’s good for cell membrane protection and nourishment; is an anti-oxidant that helps with immunity support; and it promotes natural healing. There are 60 softgels in the jar and retail is $30.
Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil and Softgels – two forms of the same product. The Seed Oil is high in Omega 3, 6, and 9 along with Vitamins A & E. This powerful antioxidant is recommended for people who have serious health problems and/or are going through radiation and chemotherapy. It helps with immunity support and is good for your liver, kidney, prostate, joints, brain, stomach, and white blood cell count. With the softgels the jar contains 60 capsules and you’d take 2 a day (retail $32.99). You can cut into them to use them topically if you want or you can buy the jar of Seed Oil (retail $32.99) if you want to use it topically.
Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil – this also contains Omega-7 along with Vitamins C, A & D plus SOD (superoxide dismutase). The Berry Oil is what was on the Dr. Oz show that he raved about. It was shown on the show that it helps with everything from gum pain (just rub it on) to the skin’s appearance as well as influencing weight management. It contains 100% pure Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil. It’s a light orange in color and when applying it on your skin you might notice an orange tone at first. It is temporary though and only lasts 10-30 minutes but you can wash it off too. If you decide to ingest this it’s recommended that you take 30-70 drops twice daily on an empty stomach. I couldn’t figure out how much a drop was so it wasn’t good for me orally. I did mix it into my night cream though a few times and liked the combination. Unfortunately a night cream won’t help with my weight! ($24.99)
Here are a few more reasons why you should consider SeabuckWonders:
- The Sea Buckthorn oil in their supplements is 100% pure, there’s nothing else in them. They are certified organic and certified kosher. Plus they are vegan and gluten free.
- Omega-7 is hailed as a special nutrient that may protect, replenish, moisten and restore the skin and mucus membranes that line the digestive and urogenital tracts.
- They are very high in Omega-7; 30-35% is the highest dosage available. Omega-7 is the key to healthy hair, skin, and nails as well as helping with gastrointestinal health.
- Sea Buckthorn Oil is very versatile. You can add it to your current products (lotions, masks, sspf, hair products) and even to your food.
- Berry Oil has the majority of the fruit’s Omega-7 content and is considered the healer of the brand.
These are available mostly at health food stores. When I went on the SeabuckWonders website it showed me half a dozen stores in my area that carried it as well as Tao of Herbs website.
It’s my belief that before you try any remedies like this that you should check with your physician. With some conditions there are counter indications with many OTC products. Dr. Oz may be a great doctor but he doesn’t know you and your history. If you are unsure about ingesting these products though you might want to consider mixing the oils with products you have or trying their Sea Buckthorn Facial Cream or Body Lotion. I’d love to know if you’ve tried Sea Buckthorn before so please share. – Marcia
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