You'll Need
1 1/2 tsp jojoba oil
1 1/2 tsp pure shea butter
1 cup water
2 chamomile tea bags
2 green tea bags
Make It
In a bowl, mix jojoba oil and shea butter; set aside. Microwave water for 1 minute, then steep tea bags for a few seconds. Squeeze out; place a chamomile bag on each upper eyelid and a green tea bag under each eye. Relax for 10 minutes. Toss bags. Dip finger into jojoba balm and dab around eyes for an insta-glow.
You'll Need
1 1/2 tsp honey
1 1/2 tsp sugar
Juice of 1/4 lemon
1 tbsp coconut oil
Contents of 1 vitamin E capsule
1 drop lemon essential oil
Make It
In a bowl, mix honey, sugar and lemon juice. Rub over lips with finger in a circular motion to exfoliate; rinse. Combine remaining ingredients in another bowl. Dab on lips. Extras keep in the fridge for a week.
You'll Need
2 tbsp sweet almond oil
Contents of 2 vitamin E capsules
1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp plain yogurt
1 tbsp honey
Make It
Pour almond oil and vitamin E into a spray bottle; shake until blended. Set aside. Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Spread on dry areas (even hair!); let sit 20 minutes. Rinse, then spritz damp skin with oil mixture and massage until absorbed.
Salt-spiked steam clears pores; a papaya yogurt mask calms skin.You'll Need
Flesh of 1/4 papaya
2 tbsp plain yogurt
1/2 cup Epsom salts
1 peppermint tea bag
Make It
In a bowl, mash papaya with a fork; blend in yogurt; set aside. Dissolve Epsom salts in a large pot of water, then drop in tea bag. Bring to a boil; remove from heat. Sit with face over pot for 3 minutes, head covered with a towel (like a tent) to seal in steam. Spread papaya mask over face. Leave on 10 minutes; rinse.
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