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The Gallbladder Cleanse by Dr Drew Canole

The gallbladder serves an important digestive function. It is required to emulsify fats. What is emulsification? One can easily understand this concept when washing greasy dishes. It is nearly impossible to properly clean greasy dishes without soap as the soap emulsifies the fat so it can be removed.
Similarly, the gallbladder stores bile and bile acids, which emulsify the fat one eats so it can be properly transported through the intestine into the blood stream.
A poorly functioning gallbladder handicaps your digestive system and can cause gas, abdominal cramping and headaches.
Even worse is the pain associated with the dreaded gallstones, solid accumulations of bile and cholesterol that need to be cleansed from your system. This is often manifested through a pain in the right hand side of your abdomen. Patients should always consult their doctor if they feel this pain.
After doing hours of research and testing different detoxes in my own life, I found one that I approve of below.
Dr. Hulda Clark’s modified method
The following method is a modification and/or combination of the best parts of all the previous methods I’ve looked at. It was developed by Dr. Hulda Clark. This method is by far the easiest on the palate and just as effective or perhaps even more effective than the above described methods. In the Hulda Clark method there is more protocol to follow but, less oil to swallow – sounds better already.
You will need:
Epsom Salts: 4 tablespoons
Olive Oil: 1/2 cup (4 ounces) Note: Light olive oil can be used but, organic Walnut oil works just as good and has a minimal taste.
Fresh Pink Grapefruit: 1 large or 2 small, enough to make 2/3 to 3/4 cup of juice – buy an extra one just in case.
1-2 large plastic straws to drink the combination with.
A glass jar that can hold at least a pint.
Ornithine: 4-8, to help you sleep. A liver cleanse will affect your sleep. Many people find that they do not need this.
As before, this liver cleanse is best done on a day when there are no demands on the individual with a following day to rest and to allow the cleansing process to take its full course – a weekend is a good idea. On that day avoid all unnecessary vitamins, supplements, pills etc. Eating only easily digested foods such as cooked grains/cereals, fresh fruit, fruit juices, breads, honey, baked potatoes and the like until 2 pm. No more food should be eaten that day after 2:00 PM. This relaxes the organs before the cleanse. Eating after this time will result in possible stomach upset and generally interferes with the liver cleanse.
At 2:00 PM prepare the Epsom Salts. This can be done two ways: You can either mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom Salts in 3 cups of water and keep in a jar ready for the subsequently required doses of 3/4 glass per dose or, you can also take 1 tablespoon of the Epsom salts followed by a glass of water for each required dose. (It was also suggested that the premixed Epsom Salts be placed into the refrigerator for the sake of taste but, seeing as the Salts tend to produce dilation the cold works against it. Needless to say, it is hard to work against the dilating force of the Epsom salts)
From this point on the timing is critical so be sure to precisely follow the times indicated also, do not worry about eating for the rest of the day as you will likely not feel hungry.
At 6:00 PM it is time for the first serving of Epsom Salts with water as described above. If more than one glass of water is needed to help rinse the mouth, that is fine. In the mean time the oil and juice can be placed out to assume room temperature.
At 8:00 PM it is time for the second serving of Epsom Salts and water.
At 9:45 PM start preparing the oil and grapefruit cocktail. Measure 1/2 cup oil and 1/2 to 3/4 cup freshly squeezed grapefruit juice into a sealable glass jar. Remember that after drinking your oil and grapefruit cocktail you will be going to bed so prepare for bed and if you need to visit the bathroom do this in advance.
At 10:00 PM it is time to drink the oil and grapefruit juice combination. Before drinking it put the lid onto the jar it is in and shake it vigorously. This will make the oil and grapefruit juice almost emulsify. Only the fresh grapefruit juice will do this. Surprisingly, it is much easier to get this combination down drinking it through the plastic straw(s). Drink it standing up! You want the oil to go directly into the stomach and not linger in your throat. Again, if you decided to use Walnut oil instead of olive oil you will hardly notice that you are even drinking oil. If you decide on olive oil some have used cinnamon, brown sugar and even ketchup or cognac to chase it down with. In general, it will be down in less than 5 minutes -15 minutes for the more sensitive. If a person intends to take the ornithine they will take it while they are drinking. Some will prepare in advance a chaser of freshly made lemonade ( freshly squeezes juice of ripe lemons mixed with water)
After the combination has been swallowed go to bed right away laying flat on your back with your head elevated with pillows and still for about 20 minutes and then go to sleep. At this point or at some point throughout the night it is not uncommon to actually feel the gall stones moving through the bile ducts.
The Morning After take another serving of the Epsom Salts no earlier than 6:00 AM. If there is any indigestion or nausea wait until it passes before taking the Epsom Salts. Some take a tablespoon of dry oats to help the nausea pass. It works rather quickly. If you wish you can go back to bed.
After 2 Hours the last dose of Epsom Salts is to be taken. If you wish to go back to bed you certainly may.
After 2 More Hours you can eat. Remember to eat lightly. Fresh fruit juice, fresh fruit cooked oats etc. moving to more regular food later in the day.
If you are not up to the challange and just want to have some juice recipes to help you through the process here are a few below.

Check out these three simple juice recipes that are great for your gallbladder.

Liver Improvement Juice from JuiceUpYourLife.tv

Great way to start the day!


These drinks are great for your liver, gallbladder and helps with digestion. Additional recommendations for keeping your liver and gallbladder healthy include low-fat and high fiber diets. Drink at least 4-6 cups of water per day.

For more juicing recipes, juice cleanses, the Alpha Reset and community support check out Juicing Vegetables and Saturday Strategy.


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